"My tracker shows 11.1 km. I interrupt my swim and let this mark first sacken. Because with this I have made the first 100 km. They were hard kilometers that demanded a lot from me. After two beautiful and warm summer days, the temperature has dropped rapidly. Thank God the weather is not so rainy anymore and the last days the sun came out. That consoles over the cold temperatures of only four degrees at night in the tent.

At the camping site Fischbach the distance ends, where I broke my personal sound barrier of 100 km swum total distance. That is only one stage away from Friedrichshafen. This is where I started my journey almost two weeks ago. Well not quite, because I did leave from here, but first I took the ferry to start my official swim on the opposite side - in Romanshorn, Switzerland. So I have to swim at least one more week through the part of Lake Constance known as "Obersee". Before that, I have press appointments and presentations at the Interboot and Interdive fairs in Friedrichshafen. This hustle and bustle will be quite a contrast to the lonely days on the lake. Not so easy anymore since my buddy Maik is accompanying me for a few days. He is also an apnoea diver and seatrekker and so I have a conversation partner for some days.

During this first circumnavigation of the lake, a camera team of the SWR accompanies me, which every few days meetings with ambassadors of the lake. Here I have already met conservationists, a tourism chief, a vegetable farmer and two days ago a fisherwoman and an archaeologist of the lake dwellings for a conversation. It turns out more and more that Lake Constance is more than just a lake. It is a freshwater reservoir, a sanctuary for endangered animals, a food supplier, a history book and, of course, a popular recreational destination.
I'm looking forward to the next 50km and hope that the drop in temperature in a few days won't jeopardize my project."